it is yet another week at the Beehaw factory so it is time for yet another of these threads…

    1 year ago

    It’s going. I’m really tired of working in IT and I want an exit from this career field so bad. I’ve been doing this since 1995 and IT has become the bane of humanity. In the '90s we all had pie in the sky dreams about the ways we were going to make the world better with computers and programming, and it’s just turned into lots of complicated ways to take money from people.

    I learn languages very easy so I’m going to go to a local community college and just start taking language classes. I can speak three languages right now, but for the next semester I’m going to go back and take Latin. That will give me a reading boost for Spanish, Italian, and French.

    Will I ever do anything with it? Who knows. But I’m so tired of IT that I am almost thinking about going to the airport and working a ramp job.

      1 year ago

      I can really empathize with this. I only spent a bit under 20 years in IT and I fucked off a couple of years ago, after I realized I’m going to jump off a cliff if I don’t. I unironically think that the Internet has turned out to be a huge mistake and that our plains ape brains just aren’t ready for any of this, and that IT in general is largely making things worse for humanity.

      I still really like computer science though, enjoy coding (but only personal projects with questionable utility, more code-as-art than anything goal-oriented), and think that computation as a phenomenon is absolutely fascinating. Went back to university a couple of months ago with the plan to maybe nerd out on things like cellular automata and evolutionary computation, but very quickly noticed that – thanks to some newly acquired autoimmune problems which led to things like me having to get a fairly relevant internal organ yanked out – I can’t concentrate worth shit and eg. studying mathematics just isn’t happening even with ADHD medication (which I’ve been using on and off ever since my diagnosis in the early 00’s).

      I’ve been living off savings for the couple of years I’ve been out of IT, but I really have to start thinking about how the hell I’m going to keep on living and I’ve also thought about just doing pretty much any job that wouldn’t require anything except rudimentary cognitive input from me, something like sorting mail or whatever.

      I hope you find a new path for yourself. Explore the language idea? Maybe there’s something there

    1 year ago

    This week is going great actually. I’m on a beeline for graduation this December and so I’ve mostly got my head down currently. Hoping to get admitted into grad school to keep going after this.

    Some interesting things about my week: I spent most of yesterday modeling aquifers and aquifer systems. I know most people probably don’t know much about aquifers or how they work but it’s a lot more complicated than being an underground lake.

    And anxiety is getting to me about graduation. Mostly because of family. Half of which do not know I’m bisexual and are pretty homophobic, so I’m thinking it won’t be worth it to have my boyfriend in attendance. Which is really rough on me. I know I should just tell them and they can pound sand if they don’t like it, but at the same time I don’t see them often and it puts my bf in an awkward spot. So he’s urging me to just let him stay home so he doesn’t have to be around that. And that’s a lot to process. I’m also inviting my dad who hasn’t talked to me since May when he found out. Who knows if he will show up.

    And before anyone worries too much, I’m not like heartbroken about this. Homophobia just confuses me. All I can do is mitigate its effects but I’m always very confused why I even have to deal with it.

  • Pete
    1 year ago

    Let’s see … in the past week, I

    • finally moved out of the hotel and into my van at long last after finding the parasitic drain on the starter batteries came in the form of an exploded (and not in a diagram sense) until-then-unknown auxiliary battery, hidden under the floor, that was keeping the whole system at 9V on account of the destroyed cell causing constant balancing by a secondary solenoid

    • got a gym membership, as one needs to bathe … it’s weird walking in and hearing what I guess is hypey, “driving” beats to some, but I just turned off trance in the van, so it’s more the Kenny G of dance music

    • built a very elaborate bedframe with the help and under advisement of another makerspace member, finished the wall insulation, including new bulkhead; cut and crimped everything to get the house batteries to stop being very expensive paperweights (I’m hoping to test my first device tomorrow after work), and actually organized the cargo/living area for a few blissful hours

    • had a couple of pretty depressing conversations with friends; it seems we’re all resigned to the world getting worse as the only realistic direction given the breakdown in voter control of pretty much anything and the economy giving up any pretense of trying to benefit society

    • leaned that laundry can be done in an hour at the laundromat instead of being the all-afternoon affair it was at the apartment … load washer, play a large kakuro, transfer to dryer, play another, fold and depart

    • realized I’d had so few options for so long, being holed up in my apartment saddled with too much debt to do anything, that I don’t actually know the answer to “if you could do anything right now, what would it be?”

    1 year ago

    I started to post yesterday, but I was feeling down for no discernable reason, and I couldn’t think of anything to say other than how awful I felt. Today, thankfully, I feel a lot better.

    Much to my joy, my youngest (who is 20 years old) has agreed that, instead of me scrambling around looking for perfect, expensive presents for Christmas for everyone (which is pretty much exclusively my job), we’re all just going to buy stocking stuffers for each other and let each person buy their own expensive things instead of expecting me to do it for them. It just seems so ridiculous to me that I got my kids addicted to a Christmas celebration that often left me so burned out that I’d spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s in bed. We’re not even Christian, and my kids are adults, so why on earth am I still killing myself to make the day perfect for them, when they have no interest in doing the same for me? We all have similar incomes, so this seems very fair to me. I hope it will take some of the stress out of the coming season.

    Finally, I’m starting to feel better on CPAP. Got a full face mask instead of those horrific nasal pillows (I don’t get how having something shoved into your nostrils is supposed to be the most comfortable option, especially when I had to tape my mouth shut to make them work at all!). I kept waking up flat on my back, when I haven’t been able to breathe while laying on my back since the mid-1990s. Checked my data using OSCAR, and have learned a whole lot. Apparently, with a CPAP and a full face mask, I can both breathe and sleep just fine on my back- last night I only spent thirteen seconds total in apnoea- and I’ve had some episodes of deep sleep that lasted more than an hour, when I couldn’t maintain deep sleep for two minutes with untreated apnoea.

    This of course makes me wonder if I’ve actually had apnoea since the mid-1990s and how much damage I’ve done to my brain. At my age I doubt I will get all of it back.

    I’m concerned about my eldest, who seems very dull and quiet lately. They’ve been a hardcore tech person since they were a toddler (not even exaggerating) and are now saying things like “I just leave all settings on default, it’s easier”, and not even bothering to do a search when they run into issues with things. They are behaving like my 73-year-old husband and it’s super worrying because they will be 29 next month. I wish I knew what to do to help them.

    I also need to stop treating this thread like it’s my personal blog, haha.

      1 year ago

      I feel you on the Christmas tradition! My family sets price caps on presents and I think it saves a lot of stress. Ever since I was 21 or so, the best part of Christmas was the food and the celebration, not the presents.

      Sleep is so important and it’s great you’ve got a solution with a cpap machine now. Well done!

      As for your techie child, it may be part of an ongoing trend in tech that things are getting worse instead of better - I feel that myself, and I know my friends do too - but they could also just be growing out of their hobbies and exploring new aspects of life. After working at a tech job I don’t want to spend my evenings at a computer any more, so I’ve started riding motorbikes and getting into photography, gardening and other outdoorsy stuff in the last few years.

      1 year ago

      I know it’s common for the holidays to feel stressful. But it shouldn’t. Nevermind religious connotations, it’s meant to be a festive time culturally. Let it be that! And it sounds like you’re trying to be on that track.

  • autumn (she/they)
    1 year ago

    chuck (foster dog) got his stitches out last wendesday. he came to the office with me on thursday morning, ate lunch with my coworkers and me outside, and then we headed out to meet a family. he was so tired by the end of the day. and the best news: he is going to his new home on wednesday evening! they already have a ramp from their last dog, a large fenced-in yard, and they want to play ball and go on walks with him. i couldn’t dream of a better match. 🥰

    i have been (lazily) looking for a new place to do yoga, and i took a class friday evening that was great! very chill, not hot yoga, and adaptable/calm. so many places around here are GET RIPPED, HOT YOGA, WORK YOUR BOOTY OFF, which is not at all what i want in a yoga class. i want to relax, do a lil’ strength and balance work, then spend 5-10 minutes laying quietly. i bought a 2-week intro membership, and i’ll probably end up with their 4 classes/month plan, since i can’t imagine i’ll go more often than that.

    my old roomie/friend and one of my other friends had their wedding reception party after eloping across the country a little while back. my ex was there, and it was really validating to know i made the right choice. i don’t think i would have been happy with him where he is in life now. but also: his new girlfriend is super cool! i want to be friends with her, haha.

    i have got a zillion social events available to me this weekend. hoping i can make most of them!

  • T (they/she)
    1 year ago

    I keep having anxiety attacks whenever I decide to look/apply for jobs. I am so tired and I don’t feel that I even have the right to complain about it because so many people have worse than me. Knowing I have to humiliate myself to recruiters also doesn’t help. I hate this.

    1 year ago

    Realized there’s only one week left of October already and bought a bunch of pumpkin, squash, and pears I saw on discount to get more into the autumn mood and make some spooky recipes. I’ve been trying to transition into completely plant-based cooking at home but I’ve never been a huge red meat person anyways. Never knew that canned chickpea juice could be used to make a meringue!

    I’ve been trying to appreciate the smaller things more and reduce my negative attitude. Lately I’ve been trying to ease into more mini trips around my area like a tourist since I’ve felt pretty stagnant and paralyzed mentally for awhile. Haven’t been to a symphony in awhile so I’m looking forward to seeing Holst’s The Planets. First time hearing that piece live.

    1 year ago

    I’m on a road trip for my partners father’s wedding that was on Saturday. We road tripped from the west coast to the Michigan and we’ll be leaving tomorrow morning to get back home at the end of the week.

    I miss my dog <3 I’ve been having a good time though, despite the lack of sleep and extra aches

  • 🐝bownage [they/he]
    1 year ago

    Autumn is coming around and I’m realising very quickly that my existing autumn wardrobe is really not gender affirming :(

    I’m going to try to order a bunch of new clothes and really take my time thinking about what I want and need. Scariest thing is definitely getting clothes that I can wear to work because my coworkers don’t know I’m nonbinary and I’ve been especially closeting myself in terms of clothing and accessories. I’m not sure if I’m ready for the conversation but I’m also noticing that I’ll soon hit a point where presenting masc every day will just break me.

    Advice is definitely appreciated. I really don’t like where I’m at rn but at the same time I also feel like a coward for being afraid to change anything.

    • autumn (she/they)
      1 year ago

      some of my favorite femme clothes are bulky cozy sweaters (especially with big buttons) and knit ponchos. infinity scarves are another one! lots of femme clothes are all about layering, so you could take that into account, too. i’m not particularly femme in how i dress, but those are things i’ll always reach for because i’m always cold in the office.

      i’d also recommend browsing tumblr or pinterest with tags for fall/autumn fashion. you would probably be able to narrow down what you like/dislike from what’s presented there.

    1 year ago

    Hi beeple,

    I wanted to get my hot water heater fixed with a $50 thermostat, but the plumber wouldn’t touch it and wanted $3000 to replace it. Ouch! I might try to find a replacement thermostat via Google, but it’s an ancient model and the part numbers don’t turn up anything. Really don’t need more bills right now!

    It is starting to heat up in Australia, and the bushfires have already killed 2 people in my state in the last week. I’m not looking forward to another black summer. However, on the bright side, there seems to be a shift in the views of our Nationals party regarding climate change - they’ve always been conservative but now it seems they’re getting on board with climate action, since they’re being affected by the heat, droughts etc. I wish people would take action for things before it affects them personally, but hey, I’ll take what I can get.

    I hope everyone gets through their struggles and has some time to relax and enjoy themselves this week.

      1 year ago

      It’s like that “This is fine.” dog in a burning house meme. Except the house is our planet. And it’s literal instead of a metaphor.

      Stay safe, stay cool! From your colonial friends north of the equator.

      Edit: speillang

    1 year ago

    I’m okay. I’ve mostly got my home lab stuff sorted. All’s that’s left to do is wait and see if anything explodes.

    Edit: as an aside, I am now thoroughly convinced that rclone is magic.

  • Bubble
    1 year ago

    Just got back from my trip to Chicago and wow I really enjoyed the vibe there. I live in the Pacific Northwest and it’s so different! The cta was so convenient (even though the ticket machines wouldn’t take any of my cards so I couldn’t buy a day pass). The architecture was really interesting and the locals were pretty friendly. I would like to return and spend more time exploring, as I only had one day proper to spend in the city.

    Back home now and we’re starting a cold snap and the heat in my building still hasn’t been turned on. I feel like I’m in a Dickens novel huddling over my desk and blowing on my fingers to thaw them.

      1 year ago

      Glad you enjoyed Chicago! It get a lot of bad press, sometimes not without reason, but it’s a great city.

    1 year ago

    Well, for over a year I’ve had a minor skin condition. I’ve been given a cream for this. I’ve returned to the doctors and dermatologists more than once. It hasn’t worked. They keep renewing the prescription… No use, no change… because it turns out I’ve been using the wrong cream.

    They all come in a generic white tube, you see? And I usually put it on after I shower and don’t have on my glasses. And my partner puts all the medicated creams in one spot. So, from time to time I must have been using the right one…

    Anyway. On Monday I finally realised my goof and…the problem has disappeared. 4 applications. Done… I’m an idiot.

  • Kajo [he/him] 🌈
    1 year ago

    My partner is a craftswoman, and she’ll soon be taking part in a fair. She does it 5-6 times a year, and during those times, I spend a lot of my free time assembling and sewing for her.

    It’s during these times that I watch to old series (actually, I’m more listening than watching). Right now, it’s Supernatural. I didn’t watch it with any regularity when it first came out.