Was thinking about this today, pretty unique time way back in my gaming past. Belonged to a clan that would play things like War Rock (old F2P game), Battlefield 2, early CoD games, etc.

It was really the only time I belonged to a gaming clan, and I remember (maybe through the lens of nostalgia?) having a great time with it. Someone was always on voice chat, I think we used TeamSpeak then switched to Vent, then finally Mumble?

I remember it being fairly small group, so everyone knew each other. There was also a really wide range of ages as well, so it was almost more like a strange family than a group of friends.

Just funny to think back, how frequently we all talked to each other, without ever having actually met in-person. Then it just kind of faded away slowly, I couldn’t even tell you why / when I stopped.

Anyone else have similar experience / memories? Do you still belong to any gaming clans or guilds today (new or old)?

  • Yokozuna@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Team coke in MW:2 on 360. I played a game on shipment with them and mopped up, they invited me and I had a blast. It was pretty multifaceted, I won’t ever forget King juice, black dude that worked at Comcast- funny as all hell when we got him to do his Comcast lines lol.