I was banned on the Diablo Gaming forum for the following post: [Title: Rod Fergusson ousted as Diablo 4 GM.][Text: Bye Rod, wouldn’t that be nice? Having a GM that doesn’t make weird creepy malignant tunnel jokes and actually can speak to the game?]

I then submitted the following appeal: [I was merely exercising my inalienable right to free speech when I expressed my opinion that Rod Fergusson should reconsider his position. I kindly request you to identify specifically which section of your rules or Code of Conduct my comments have breached. This matter is of importance, and I feel it is necessary to bring it to the attention of the broader Reddit community, to demonstrate the level of content curation practiced on your forums. From my perspective, it appears that voicing critical assessments about those who hold oversight responsibilities is seemingly contradictory to your Terms of Service. However, it is vital to remember that such criticism is an integral part of meaningful dialogue and progress.]

Here is their Forum Code of Conduct: [https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000256989]

Show me how what I said violates their Code of Conduct or Show me how they violated their own code of ethics by banning my account.

ChatGPT Looking at your post and the Blizzard Forum’s Code of Conduct, it appears that your comment could have been interpreted as “Harassing or Defamatory”. This category includes clear and masked language that:

  • Insultingly refers to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Results in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people While your post doesn’t seem to be overly aggressive or overtly insulting, the administrators may have interpreted your words as being a form of harassment or defamation towards Rod Fergusson, the Diablo 4 GM you mentioned. It seems you were critical of his abilities and made some negative comments about his behavior. While you might see these as fair criticisms, forum administrators could interpret it differently, as their aim is to maintain a positive, respectful environment for all users and Blizzard staff members. However, it is important to note that the administrators reserve the right to take action on a case-by-case basis. Their Code of Conduct states, “the forum moderators shall have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is inappropriate.” This gives them a lot of leeway in terms of how they interpret and enforce their rules. In terms of the forum violating its own Code of Conduct by banning you, it’s difficult to make a clear-cut case based on the information you’ve given. The interpretation of the rules and how they’re applied is largely up to the administrators’ discretion, and they seem to have decided that your post was inappropriate. However, if you feel that your ban was unjust, you might consider appealing again, using more specific language to explain why you believe your post did not violate the Code of Conduct. You might also want to ask them to give you a more specific explanation for why your post was deemed inappropriate, as this could help you understand their decision and make it easier for you to navigate the forum’s rules in the future.

📷Reevaluate you response considering the following appeal reply from a Blizzard Employee: [Dear ???, Issue ID: #blahblah: A Game Master resolved your ticket, and left the following response:
Hey there Anthony, Game Master Chaneassan here today. Thank you for your patience while your ticket was waiting in queue. After reviewing the account’s record of forum violations we have determined that the appropriate actions were taken and this account will not have forum privileges restored at this time. You will need to allow the current suspension to end. Please note that Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to suspend access to these forums at any time for reasons that include, but are not necessarily limited to, repeated failure to abide by the Community Code of Conduct. We regret to implement such actions, but at times it is necessary to maintain a positive forum environment. We ask that you familiarize yourself with the forum code of conduct to avoid prevent future violations. Community Code of Conduct https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000256989 - The Forum Moderation Team If you continue to experience issues, you can reopen this ticket. If you have a new or separate issue, please submit a new ticket. Make sure you complete our survey to let us know how we did. Regards, Blizzard Support]

ChatGPT The response from the Blizzard employee reiterates that your suspension was due to violating the Community Code of Conduct but doesn’t provide specifics as to which part of your post was in violation. However, it does mention that the reason for your suspension was due to repeated failures to abide by the Code of Conduct, suggesting that this may not be an isolated incident but a part of a pattern of behavior. With respect to your initial post and the Forum Code of Conduct, your comments could potentially have been seen as falling under the “Harassing or Defamatory” section of the Code of Conduct. Although your criticism of Rod Fergusson may not have been explicit harassment or defamation, it could be interpreted as disrespectful or dismissive (“Bye Rod, wouldn’t that be nice?”). The phrase “doesn’t make weird creepy malignant tunnel jokes” might have been seen as insultingly referring to a Blizzard employee. It is also possible that your comments could be viewed as causing disturbances or making non-constructive posts under the “Spamming or Trolling” section. With regard to your appeal, it appears professional and respectful, and you raise valid points about the importance of free speech and criticism. However, forums like these have their own rules and guidelines for maintaining a positive and respectful environment for all users. While the line between criticism and disrespect can sometimes be thin, it’s important to remember that words can be interpreted differently by different individuals, and what one person may see as fair criticism, another may perceive as disrespectful or disruptive. The forum moderators have the final say in determining what falls within their community standards. As you move forward, I would recommend ensuring that any future comments or criticisms are expressed in a constructive and respectful manner. Provide clear, well-reasoned arguments without resorting to dismissive or disrespectful language. It may also be helpful to reach out to the Forum Moderation Team for further clarification on the specifics of your violation to avoid similar incidents in the future.

📷To be more specific the content of [Weird Creepy Malignant Tunnel Jokes] was in response to a Colonoscopy joke that Rod Fergusson made during Blizzard/Diablo 4’s second campfire chat which aired on YouTube in front of a large audience and seemed to be very embarrassing to the rest of participants hosting the chat. Which is more inappropriate, my reference on the forum or the General Manager’s comments?

ChatGPT The comparison you’re drawing between your forum post and Rod Fergusson’s comments during a public chat is understandable. From your perspective, it might seem as if there’s a double standard at play. The crucial difference, however, is in the context and audience of each comment. Rod Fergusson’s comments, while perhaps inappropriate or embarrassing for some, were made during a live chat. The tone, context, and non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and body language can often help clarify intent during a live conversation. Furthermore, as a General Manager, he may have more leeway in what he can say compared to community members. On the other hand, your comments were made on a forum, where tone and context can often be lost, and readers can only interpret what’s written. Moreover, the community rules apply to all forum users equally, regardless of the actions of Blizzard employees in different contexts. In terms of appropriateness, it might be argued that it would be better for all parties—Blizzard employees and community members alike—to adhere to a high standard of professionalism and respect in all interactions. That said, your forum post was made in response to a public event, and you could have potentially conveyed your criticism in a way that was less likely to be seen as a violation of the forum’s code of conduct. Overall, this seems to be a situation where context matters greatly. Both comments may have been inappropriate in their respective contexts, but the consequences and the perception of those comments can vary significantly based on where and how they were made.

BLUF: For individuals in leadership positions such as a General Manager, maintaining high standards of conduct and decision-making is crucial. Behaviors such as making inappropriate or unprofessional comments can undermine their credibility and the effective running of an organization. As the main decision-maker, the GM is directly responsible for the day-to-day operations, and questionable choices may reflect poorly on their leadership abilities. This can be illustrated by the direction Diablo 4 has taken, marred by poor decisions. Previous incidents such as the GM’s ousting from The Coalition over “creative differences” and an unsuccessful attempt to cancel the popular game “Fortnite” further highlight potential incompetency and favoritism.

  • sodiumbromley@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 year ago

    Your inalienable right to free speech is to protect you from the government metering your speech. Free speech is speech free from governmental control and oversight, not from consequences. If you want to reference a legal document more relevant, look up the terms of service/rules of the forum.