I cam here to get away from all the corporate BS, but suddenly people want to welcome Facebook/Meta to the fediverse? I cannot fathom how people see their intentions as pure or innocent, especially since they aim to profit off of the open source software everyone has worked so hard on.

I just don’t see how the fediverse survives if it decides to let these massive companies make their instances. It feels like it’ll be a repeat of the rise of social media, where all the smaller forms got wiped out by large, consolidated social media platforms.

  • tryagain@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    It’s an interesting thought experiment. Would wefwef or some equivalent have been possible if React had never been released? Course it would; Angular was and still is a great framework, as is Vue.

    Time for a controversial and uninformed take: React gained so much traction early on because of the connection to FB, back before everyone hated FB. Every halfwit tech manager heard of it and had to get on the hype train. It wasn’t ever “better” than Angular but it reached a critical mass and just snowballed.

    The FB engineers built it and GraphQL for themselves to solve a specific set of problems on the Wall page but it took a LOT of open source contributors to evolve it to where it is now.

    • varzaman@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      You’re right, it is a controversial and uninformed take ;)

      AngularJS was awful. It was clunky, relatively slow, and wasn’t intuitive to use. It wasn’t until Angular (2) where they started gaining back some good will. Vue wasn’t very popular back then.

      React came in with one of the easiest flows you could pick up. Prototyping with React is a breeze. The flow of data makes sense. It is intuitive for a non web developer to use. It was 100% better than AngularJS for the vast majority of things that people needed for it.

      Where React falls apart is when you are scaling up with systems that are firing many events at once. It just has no good way of dealing with the amount of re renders. But for small projects and prototypes? Yea, it’s great.

      I’m a Software Dev, and I’ve used React for a couple of years now. Using Angular atm though lol.

      I get the hate boner for Meta, I have one myself. But Meta maintains the React codebase, you’re really selling them short in that aspect.

    • pascal@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      My proxmox virtual manager uses Facebook’s zstandard compression algorithm, it’s fast and it works. Can’t complain.