The price drop is because of market manipulation and the current price doesn’t represent fundamentals. We all know GME is worth more.

But the price has been gradually decreasing ever since the January 2021 sneeze and this thread over at SS suggests the line reaches 0 around 1/1/2024.

I don’t think it will actually hit 0 but I know I’m going to be buying more in November and December.

Point is don’t let this rattle you. I bought my first share at $448.30 so why wouldn’t I buy more at $1?

The finish line isn’t out of reach any more. We’re going to lock the float, and we’re going to do it fast. Buckle your seatbelts.

      1 year ago

      Honestly, I can’t even get excited about them, negatively. They were always sort of mediocre. I preferred Electronics Boutique. But they weren’t doing great, they’re not getting better, and OP’s straight-up eager to throw in good money after bad.

      This is what successful scams look like… except there’d be someone taking the money. Instead, it’s a craze that refuses to end. Most crazes peter out as it becomes clear the initial high price was irrational, the peak was caused entirely by runaway speculation, and everything’s returning to the mean. People with a pile of tulip bulbs or comic books or commemorative plates just have to sigh and figure out where to put 'em. But our modern hellscape lets people make the Earth being flat their entire personality and social group, so surprise surprise, cargo cults emerge over wiggly lines.

      One time they saw a guy in a tower talk into a box, and a whole goddamn airplane appeared out of the sky, so they’re up in a tree talking to boxes all day every day. Your face is gonna be so red when their airplane comes.

        1 year ago

        Your talk about cargo cults and scientists got me thinking about Richard Feynman, the physicist who coined the term cargo cult science. Imagine that Feynman was invested in GameStop during the short squeeze. What would he do? Fenyman wouldn’t just listen when the press said, “Forget GameStop.” He wouldn’t just shrug his shoulders and dismiss this as some bizarre fluke. He had an insatiable curiosity. And he took nothing on authority. Feynman would take this thread and tug and tug on it until he got to the truth.

          1 year ago

          Dead-guy fanfiction is also not an argument.

          ‘Ignore the media, pull this thread and get to the truth!’ is what all conspiracy wank sounds like. On very rare occasions it has some basis in reality. But most of the time it’s just people who aren’t very good at evaluating information making a hobby out of confusing one another.

          What happened here is complex and weird and involves rich assholes, but there’s no version of it where you will make money on this dying company. The root is and will always be that Gamestop is a mediocre business in a market that might cease to exist. It briefly had quite a lot of money, because people saw it gaining money and threw in more money, like that proved it was making money - and it still bombed. No amount of chin-stroking and back-patting will ever amount to making this a sensible or worthwhile investment. You need actual reasons, and what you keep posting instead are narratives. Excuses to escalate commitment, dig in your heels, and confirm existing bias.

          Without namedropping someone smart: why do you care?