some guy… somewhere

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • Every single piece of media and online community that did not laugh at Trump and tell him to shut the hell up and get his ass out of the 2016 election is complicit in him doing ANYTHING.

    I blame reddit, big-time, for the massive push of his bullshit because they allowed a certain subreddit that will remain nameless here to TAKE OVER THEIR ENTIRE FREAKING “all” PAGE with obvious lies, slander, and other things that would have gotten banned on any other subreddit and did absolutely nothing until AFTER the election to curb it. But yeah, anyone else that didn’t just ignore him completely and ask when a real candidate for the Republicans was going to show up is responsible for his bullshit.

    What a clusterfuck.

  • It’s laughable that universities host sports teams, especially with handegg where they’re essentially the NFL’s farm league. Shows how much (zero) we give a shit about actual education in this fucking country. 99.9999% of college “education” is just like grade school education anyway: spending way too much time on irrelevant subjects (teach the whole curriculum in elementary school, but past that, teach what the student needs to know for his field of study and that’s it), and sadly, having most of it be bullshit rote memorization that the student spits out for the test and then forgets it forever. Engage the student, have him learn things intuitively, give examinations that allow for the full range of what we can do as adults (reference materials, internet, other people, etc – THIS IS NOT CHEATING, THIS IS USING KNOWLEDGE AVAILABLE!) that actually shows what the person is capable of and whether or not they can apply what they learned and what they find out on their own.

    No wonder we’re so fucked as a society.

  • Too late to change the system now if you play the voting game. Elect Biden and the rest of the Democrats who will NOT turn the USA into a fascist state in the next four years, THEN start enacting real change to put a genuine Left candidate in that will actually push this country forward when they’re elected in four years.

    If you want to play the voting game, that’s how you play. The only other alternative is revolution and enable the “alter or abolish” option right the fuck now.

    Make your choice of those two things. The “lol, I won’t vote” or “gonna vote Trump anyway” “option” is just alt-right Trumpery disguised as being concerned about a second Biden presidency for any reason.

  • Star Wars (no, it wasn’t “EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE”), Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi were the only good SW movies. The rest are embarrassingly bad fanfiction. Just because people laugh at the prequel memes doesn’t make the prequels good. We as a society fell when we started laughing at all the horrible parts of the prequels and then asked ourselves “wait, if we’re being entertained by the prequels, does that mean they were good?” and coming to the absolute wrong conclusion.