• arymandias@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    Of course Israel knows this is not possible, but it’s a nice statement to point at every time they get caught killing civilians. “Look we told them to leave, nothing we can do after that.”

        • dumdum666@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Where is that smile coming from? Is this a funny online game of words for you?

          Israel has to defeat Hamas decisively and Hamas just tries to save their own sorry asses by telling the civilian population to stay where the israelian ground offensive will start. It is a deliberate plan by Hamas that civilians get killed. They want those pictures to drum up their support in Arab states.

          • sanzky@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            If someone is putting civilians between you and them and you still shoot, you are not better than them.

          • mayooooo@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            So bombing the people who are evacuating is all good then, right? You should try to not have a hard-on while talking about killing people

        • persolb@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          So I just heard about this whole thing last night. What is the preferred Israeli response to this?

          To me it looks like Hamas using occupied buildings as places to attack from, the Israel being told they aren’t allowed to hit back at people using human shields.

          • arymandias@feddit.de
            1 year ago

            Stop the occupation of Palestine, stop the settlement of the West Bank, and stop the apartheid status of Palestinians in Israel. Then either allow Palestine to be an independent country in the UN, responsible for their own security and economy. Or give all Palestinians voting rights in Israel as a one state solution. After that is set and done set up an independent criminal court to judge on all war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in this region, this will of course also include Hamas.

            • BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Israel used to occupy Gaza the same way it currently does the West Bank; there were even Jewish settlers living there. The IDF withdrew in 2005 as a token of goodwill towards peace and a future Palestinian state, evicting all Jewish residents as well. Gaza then elected Hamas, whose founding charter calls for the extermination of all Jews, and started lobbing rockets. Israelis aren’t exactly keen to see a repetition of that.

              I really get wanting to believe that this would be a solution, but the fact of the matter is that there are very real security concerns; a not-small number of Palestinians believe that the state of Israel should be destroyed by violently removing all Jews from the land, as we saw last weekend. You can say that that anger and resentment is somewhat justified - hell, I’d largely agree - but Israel is under no circumstances going to allow its existence to be threatened. The fundamental purpose of Israel existing is to provide a safe homeland for Jews, and Israel will stop at nothing to ensure that.

              Giving all Palestinians full voting rights is not going to happen so long as there’s such a complete lack of trust between the two groups. Israelis, probably correctly, fear that they’d quickly become a minority within their own state and ultimately be subjected to government persecution or expulsion. You have to keep in mind that a huge chunk of Israelis come from Arab countries that forcibly seized their assets and expelled them. Israelis will not accept the possibility of their own government doing the same.

              Idealism simply is not applicable in this situation. If Israel fully withdrew from the West Bank, they have no reason to believe that it wouldn’t simply be a repeat of the Gaza fiasco from 2005, with the situation being even worse since attacks out of the West Bank could threaten Jerusalem. Any analysis of the situation must begin and end with the immutable fact that Israel will prioritize its own security above anything else, including Western condemnation.

              None of this is to excuse the many unjustifiable travesties that Israel does commit against the Palestinians, which are numerous, nor does it excuse settlements in the West Bank at all, which are disgusting abominations that actively serve to make peace even more impossible than it already is. But fundamentally, Israel is never going to make any kind of withdrawals or concessions unless it feels its security remains guaranteed, and any proposal that doesn’t accept this is doomed.

              I’m gonna nitpick here, but:

              stop the apartheid status of Palestinians in Israel

              Statements like this really need to be more clear, because they can otherwise severely muddy the waters of an already extremely messy situation. What exactly are you referring to here by “Israel”? Arab citizens of Israel, Palestinian or otherwise, have full rights. Palestinians within the West Bank and Gaza are severely restricted and oppressed a lot, and sure, you can make an apartheid analogy if you want. But is it not our entire fundamental premise that the West Bank is not Israel, but rather is Palestine? Palestinians do not live under any kind of apartheid within Israel, unless you are including the West Bank as part of Israel, which no one but the most extreme Israeli nationalists would ever do. So either Palestinians live under apartheid and the West Bank is a legitimate part of the state of Israel, or Palestinians live in Palestine under a strict foreign military occupation and not under an apartheid in Israel.

              • arymandias@feddit.de
                1 year ago

                In your statement you are completely disregarding the security concerns of the Palestinians, calling the current state of the Gaza strip a ‘token of good will’ is absolutely ludicrous. If you really believe this I would invite you to read the wikipedia article on the great march of return: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018–2019_Gaza_border_protests.

                On apartheid I will simply refer to the judgment of HRW: https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed

                And finally it is not stupid idealism to want to end the current status quo in Israel, I think it has become clear over the last few days that it is not possible to suppress a population without some kind of response: an apartheid state is a state of violence. And I hope we can all agree (at least if you are not an ethnonationalist) that the current state of South Africa is much much better than it was during apartheid.

                • BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  I’m speaking to pragmatism.

                  The Palestinians absolutely have legitimate security concerns. They are also, in no universe, ever going to be able to resolve them by violently overthrowing the Israelis, and no amount of winning the moral argument will change this fact. This notion of establishing a Palestinian state through violent resistance must be abandoned - no matter how righteous it may or may not be - because Israel will defend itself down to the last Jewish life before allowing another Jewish diaspora, and it will win. If Egypt, Jordan, and Syria were all defeated in 1967 in six days, it is simply not in the realm of possibility that some loosely organized Palestinian resistance is going to be re-taking Jerusalem.

                  There is a plausible, though still mostly confined to dreams, path to peace that involves the Palestinians de-militarizing, Israel abandoning all settlements and withdrawing to the 1967 borders, the establishment of a joint security force between Israelis and Palestinians that has zero tolerance for nationalistic violence, and a gradual opening of economic and cultural integrations over time. There’d probably need to be some land-swaps, and Jerusalem would probably need to be governed by some kind of joint administration as well, but there does exist a framework where peace is imaginable.

                  Key to this, though, is that Israel stops settlements and that Palestinians completely abandon any consideration of violence. Under no circumstances will Israel make any steps towards peace if it feels its security is threatened, and seeing as they’re the ones with the guns, anyone hoping to see peace simply must accept this fact. So long as aggressive violence is seen as a way to solve the conflict, there will never be peace.

          • NoIWontPickaName@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Not murder innocents.

            I forgot though, because of the fact that someone else did something wrong we can do the same and not be the bad guys. Right?

            • persolb@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              Your response seems to be equivalent to “never defend yourself against someone holding an innocent hostage.”

              To clarify, I’m not sure what response doesn’t result in more innocent people dying.

              I don’t really care about this specific conflict more than any other. And morally I don’t care for the lives of one side more than the other. And morally I don’t care who lived in what cities 100 years ago (note: unless those specific people are involved).

              My confusion seems to be that the ‘right’ response people seem to want to this is no response.

              • SenorBolsa@beehaw.org
                1 year ago

                Israel definitely is well within their rights to retaliate against Hamas, it would be foolish to claim otherwise. It’s the exact way they are doing it that is the issue, they are behaving nearly as poorly as their enemy. You can’t just tell the world “look at the barbarity of Hamas slaughtering innocent civilians just out there kibbutzing” and then turn around and bomb civilian hospitals, completely disregard rules of engagement around medical aid killing humanitarian volunteers you were aware of, shutting off all power, water and closing food supply to the Gaza strip, and then act like it’s somehow better than that.

                Hamas absolutely sucks and Israel has every right to defend themselves from terrorism, but the Palestinian children buried under rubble didn’t deserve any of this. (Neither did the Israeli citizens who were slaughtered and kidnapped for that matter.)

                Israel has the technology, the troops, and the tactics to be far more precise and surgical in their retaliation, but their response has been punitive and brutal, and seems to almost maximize collateral damage. Of course that’s what Netanyahu and his thugs will all but directly say they want given the opportunity to speak. I do not believe that properly represents the citizens of Israel who are generally much more sympathetic to the people of Palestine.

                Both the citizens of Israel and Palestine have been failed by their leadership. Agree or disagree, at this point, I just had to write that down somewhere. I know people from both Palestine and Israel, wonderful people, all this is heartbreaking.

                War is hell, even if you play by the rules, why make it even worse?

                • persolb@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  Thanks. It’s hard for me to judge tactics from video, as I can’t really tell what is accidental collateral damage vs purposeful. The statements by Israeli leadership definitely supports the view that they are purposefully being punitive… which is monstrous.

              • NoIWontPickaName@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                Idk but bombing innocents doing what you said and trying to evacuate isn’t 1 of the steps.

                Neither is bombing near one of the few border crossings they could use isn’t one either

      • Kichae@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        It’s the word of the day every day they be doing war crimes.

        Not only is it impossible to evacuate that many people in that short a time, but they’re basically declaring that they’re going to use their military to targer and kill civilians.

        Which is a war crime.

        “Hamas did it first” doesn’t give them a pass here. If it’s not ok for Hamas, it’s not ok for the Israeli state. And inverting that, if it is ok for the Israeli state…

        • Rapidcreek@reddthat.comOP
          1 year ago

          You are using a term you don’t fully understand to try to cudgle popular opinion without acknowledging your own hypocrisy of not acknowledging that this began with the slaughter of civilians to begin with. I’m sure countries like Iran love you for it,

          You don’t know if it’s a short time. The time is not specified. If Hamas uses human shields, is that not a war crime?

            • Unaware7013@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Hey, you’re not allowed to talk about the decades of an apartheid state’s treatment of these people or the systematic destruction of their infrastructure to be stolen by illegal settlers or the fact that Israel is directly responsible for creating Hamas; all the history for this conflict started like 6 months ago!

              • Limitless_screaming@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                all the history for this conflict started like 6 months ago

                No, no, that’s a very long time filled with heinous acts that we cannot let surface. This conflict started 6 days ago.

            • Rapidcreek@reddthat.comOP
              1 year ago

              Where do you think Hamas is at? This happens every time. Hamas uses human shields of Palestinians. israel bombs their ass in the houses they hang out is. Liberals get upset and scream war crime. Israeli then stops.

              But, will that happen this time? By my reading the answer is no. Israel will make a full force invasion and much blood will be spilled on both sides.

              Instead of carrying Hamas water, you should support, as I do, the US Secretary of State who knows what is coming and is trying to setup humanitarian corridors for the humanitarian crisis that is sure to come.

          • NoIWontPickaName@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Yes if Hamas uses human shields, and that is actually a war crime, which I have to believe it is but loopholes and exclusions abound in treaties, then that IS a war crime. Full stop.

            Does that make it okay for others to commit war crimes?

            If someone rapes or kills someone daughter, does that mean that the father gets a free pass to rape or murder the original rapist/murderer’s daughter even though she had nothing to do with it other than by happenstance of being the rapist/murderer’s daughter?

            Just to reiterate, Hamas committing war crimes is Bad!

              • NoIWontPickaName@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                Yes, that’s sort of how human Shields work.

                If you’re willing to kill an innocent to get your way you’re the bad guy in that situation.

                And just to be perfectly clear here, I do live in America, and we have been the bad guy many fucking times.

                I fucking hate it and I don’t understand why none of the rest of you can learn from our fuck ups.

                • Rapidcreek@reddthat.comOP
                  1 year ago

                  No country, not even the US, is not going to defend 8tself after being attacked. If human shields are used, you can try to take precautions but shit does happen when you’re being shot at.

      • HuddaBudda@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Forgive us sir, I didn’t realize that civilians getting burned with white phosphorus, highly NSFL/NSFW was such a boring event for you.

        But in reality you are probably just numb as all of us to what is happening because:

        • There is nothing we can do, except social pressure.

        • There is nothing that will be done. Until everyone has had their fill of violence.

        But today’s word of the day is war crime, tomorrow’s word of the day doesn’t have to be.

      • blewit@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        That’s not the end goal. The end goal is security for the Israeli people. If Palestinians choose peace, they’d have it. They have not chosen that path yet.

          • blewit@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            You connected two unrelated ideas.

            Israel wants security for the people of Israel. Ideally, this is peace with their neighbors. Hamas has chosen war. Israel has no choice but the take action.

            • ram@bookwormstory.social
              1 year ago

              And this action must be extermination of the people of Palestine. If you’re going to say it, say all of it. Stop dancing around what you’re advocating.

              • blewit@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m absolutely not saying that. Let me be clear: Palestinians should have a state and live peacefully as neighbors of Israel.

                However, as of now, the Palestinian leadership is fracture and (in the case of Hamas) undeniably barbaric. The Palestinians need to choose better leaders and take themselves to freedom and peace they deserve.

            • alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgM
              1 year ago

              this is effectively saying “all Palestinians deserve to be killed because of who their leadership is” which is not really acceptable.

            • agarorn@feddit.de
              1 year ago

              Please look up how many of the currently living people in Gaza were able to vote back in 2006(?) when the last election was.

              Irrc 50% of the population now is under 18, so people under 35 should make up 70% or more.

              Your statement is just false.

        • java@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          From the authors of “Why don’t Russians/Iranians/North Koreans/etc. overthrow their regimes? It’s a simple choice.”

          • blewit@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            Genocide has a definition and it clearly doesn’t apply here. Please stop spreading misinformation.

            • NoIWontPickaName@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Ok. They are trying to eliminate all people of a certain belief system in a certain area after stealing their land and killing innocents and children… Oh shit that sounds a lot like genocide to me.

              • blewit@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                Israel is not trying to eliminate people of a belief system. Their objective is to eliminate Hamas, whose charter is to destroy Israel, and in Saturday’s attack demonstrated they’ll do it without remorse in the most cruel ways.

        • photonic_sorcerer@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          1 year ago

          Thing is, even if the people want peace there’s no one to deliver it. Their leadership has no interest in negotiating with the state of Israel that they see as illegitimate.

            • blewit@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              That’s simply not correct and easily verifiable. Don’t spread misinformation.

              • NoIWontPickaName@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                So for decades Israel has been pushing people out of their homes and killing their children, they have killed journalists.

                Now, they told everyone to get out of gaza then bombed the crossing, they shut off power, water, sanitation, food, medicines, and shutdown god only knows how many machines that were keeping people alive because they do not run without electricity…

                What part of what I said is untrue?

                • blewit@lemm.ee
                  1 year ago

                  That’s something that needs to be worked out, but Israeli leaders have been ready for that for years. For sure they Israelis would accept that.

    • Eric McCormick@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Per the linked article “toward the southern part of the besieged territory”, which seems awfully vague for a major displacement of people.

    • blewit@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      The Palestinians and the UN were given clear instructions as to where they should go that they would be safe.

  • AutoTL;DR@lemmings.worldB
    1 year ago

    🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

    Click here to see the summary

    JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s military told some 1 million Palestinians on Friday to evacuate northern Gaza and head to the southern part of the besieged territory, an unprecedented order applying to almost half the population ahead of an expected ground invasion against the ruling Hamas militant group.

    Hamas, which staged a shocking and brutal attack on Israel nearly a week ago and has fired thousands of rockets since, dismissed it as a ploy and called on people to stay in their homes.

    The evacuation order, which includes Gaza City, home to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, sparked widespread panic among civilians and aid workers already running from Israeli airstrikes and contending with a total siege and a territory-wide blackout.

    Israel has bombarded Gaza round-the-clock since a weekend attack in which Hamas fighters stormed into the country’s south and massacred hundreds, including killing children in their homes and young people at a music festival.

    Egypt, which made peace with Israel decades ago and has long served as a regional mediator, is staunchly opposed to resettling Palestinians on its territory, both because of the costs involved and because it would undermine their quest for an independent state.

    On Thursday, Israel said its complete siege of Gaza — which has left Palestinians desperate for food, fuel and medicine — would remain in place until Hamas militants free the hostages taken.

    Saved 83% of original text.