One bi-election where they won on a local issue by about 500 votes, and they think they’ll get a polling boost by ditching climate policies.
Bold strategy, let’s see how that plays out.
They would have lost ULIZ if Labour had bothered to actually correct the record. But they just decided to throw Sadiq Khan under a bus because they were scared of coming out in support of him. They were worried they’d lose the brainless shit head vote.
What everyone needs to do now is yell very loudly at the Tories for having no green policys, and then hopefully Labour will pick up on that and decide that this pussy footing around the problem approach isn’t actually a good idea.
Polling is currently a Labour landslide, so they need bold policies to stay relevant and this is a topic Labour might actually use some points in.
It’s a massive gamble. Polling over the past few years has been constantly calling for action on climate change. They’re clearly hoping that there’s been a shift on this.
They have a year, Rupert Murdoch and fossil fuel money to create that change. Still a hard sell considering the situation.
“Abaaaht time I’m sick of hearing about this woke-vironment rubbish!”
That’s what Rishi Sunak thinks of the electorate.
I think the electorate know what to expect every time they vote his party into power.
You’d think so, but I saw some poverty article in which some guy was being interviewed.
He was disabled, his 12 year old daughter was collecting from the food bank every day so they could eat, they had no heating, and kept having to fight for his benefits to not be cut.
Who do you reckon he was voting for next time? They’ve got the best plan for the economy, don’t you know? Plus Corbyn wore the wrong tie for the queen or something.
That’s a good point. I don’t know if I can blame them - there are powerful forces in the battles for hearts and minds. The Murdoch press is one example.
Disclaimer: I’m not from Britain though.
However the thing about the battle for hearts and minds is it’s much easier to win if the people you’re trying to win over are not used to using them minds.
At some point being politically ignorant is not an excuse.
must not be in line with his goals as a very, very wealthy man