Way to communicate contempt for your customers. If you’re in the business of selling decorative replicas of cartoon swords, you need to be in on the kayfabe. Nobody is expecting to take one of these to a real swordfight. What they are expecting, however, is to have a cool prop to show their friends, and it’s not unreasonable to expect the cool prop to feel like it’s not trying to fly across the yard if you swing it around.
If you don’t want people to touch the merchandise, the second sign is all you need.
If you don’t want people to touch the merchandise, the second sign is all you need.
True, though it would probably help if a significant amount of it wasn’t obscured behind said merchandise…
I’ve worked in retail. Nobody is reading that sign anyhow.
Not true. I for one can’t see a sign without wanting to read it out of pure curiosity of what it might say and I’m sure others feel the same lol.
Whether people reading it are all OBEYING the instructions is another matter, though 😁
But that means you aren’t the person this is for. The ones who should read that won’t. Paradoxical
Well it’s sorta like an umbrella I guess: better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it. Especially if it rains on the sign or something.
it’s not unreasonable to expect the cool prop to feel like it’s not trying to fly across the yard if you swing it around.
You might think that, but most of these are called wall hangers for a reason.
Many of them have rat-tail tangs or are made with stainless steel. They might feel balanced, but are liable to snap if you swing them around.
And if someone wanted to check if it is a cheap wall hanger or a replica that could be swung, they might want to do more than just look at it on the wall.
In particular, you ask questions like “what type of steel is this made out of” and “what kind of tang does it have”.
Right? If you don’t want people handling your cool replica swords then maybe stop selling cool replica swords.
Or just put them under glass.
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Pretty liberal use of the word “cool” there
Each to their own, of course, but the people who are picking them up to “expertly inspect the heft and balance” certainly think they’re cool.
But nobody thinks those people are cool.
Speak for yourself.
Not really, swords are cool, they’re generally fake for safety reasons, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be cool.
Agreed with your other points but some mall ninjas genuinely believe these could be used haha most people that don’t know any better wouldn’t know why they couldn’t
Shopping at nerd stores and being treated poorly by other nerds goes hand in hand
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Right, exactly what all store owners want. For potential customers to go somewhere else instead.
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In what way is testing the merchandise you might want to buy being a spoiled, entitled cunt?
I’m really enjoying how many people in this thread are insulted by this sign.
Yeah honestly this sign just screams “I don’t understand my audience”. Like, you’re selling nerdy swords to nerds in a store that seemingly caters to nerd stuff - of course the nerds interested in your products are gonna do nerdy stuff with it.
One presumes that idiots have broken several it hurt each other by the time this sign came about.
Given what the sign below it says, I think the point they’re trying to make is just that they don’t want people playing around with this stuff before buying it. I’m guessing “I’m checking the balance” or something like that is a common excuse they hear from customers who took something off the wall without permission.
The store would rather a staff member be present to minimize the risk of a customer breaking something.
So put it inside a glass cabinet instead of insulting your potential customers.
Can’t imagine why the even more nerdy and opinionated version of Reddit would feel attacked by this
R/mallninjashit would just point and laugh.
I check the heft and balance of sticks I throw for my dog, not because I’m an expert stickmaster, but because it’s nice to know the weight and feel of something before I start swinging it around and throwing it.
May I invite you to [email protected]
Oooh, thanks for linking!
You’re an expert stickmaster in the eyes of your dog and that’s all that counts.
I am! She’s always amazed that when she leaps for the stick in my hand I somehow manage to move it out of the way and she sails right by.
You must be some kind of magician!
Just an expert stickman… wait, is that right?
I’m judgemental towards you, also please buy my stuff!
Whoa whoa! A fat, sarcastic star trek fan. You must be a devil with the ladies!
You’ve inspired me to rewatch some of the golden era simpsons
If I can’t pretend to check the heft and balance of a cartoon sword replica what the fuck are we even doing here?
Right? Pretending they’re real is what the damn things are for
You still have to carry it around all day if you’re using it for cosplay and shit, if someone wants to see how it feels in their hands then why is that an issue?
Was going to say, you may still have to swing it around and strike a pose for a cosplay pic, maybe check if it’s going to hang awkwardly in the scabbard of the costume, or maybe just let that little inner kid loose in the back yard in some imaginary battles against hordes of invaders. Maybe you want to know if it’s going to rattle alarmingly, or feel as if the blade will fly off the hilt at any moment.
They may be toys, but you still don’t want to be buying crap that’s going to fall apart in the middle of a con.
If I’m buying a sword, even if that sword is going to spend 99% of its time on a wall or in a display case, I still want to know that it feels good to hold, otherwise what’s the fucking point of owning a sword.
If I see a sick in the street, I’m going to do the exact same thing, I ain’t no expert, I just like to experience a little joy in my life where I can.
I totally agree with you about the swords. Not so much about the sick in the street though…
Looks like their post could use a ‘t’ injection
I agree with the stick in the street comment, what kid didn’t like to wave around a good stick every now and then? Gotta make sure it feels right.
If they said stick I would agree with you. Read their comment again ;)
Oh lol
When I go shopping for a replica van Gogh I always hang it on a wall first to see if it arts well
I hate when my art arts poorly. Makes me feel inferior.
If i can’t cleanly slice through a titan with it then it’s not a proper replica, imo.
Oh no! You’re not familiar with doing whatever the fuck you want?
You can do whatever the fuck you want…once you’ve paid for it.
You pay for something once you know what you’re getting. If you don’t know what you’re getting, it can hardly be argued there was ever a meeting of minds. See the “The Peerless” case.
You also can’t do whatever the fuck you want with someone else’s property, which IMO supersedes the “getting to know the merchandise”. If the terms of the seller is not sufficient, don’t buy it. Or do buy it, try it out (without damaging or breaking it), and exercise your right to return if you don’t like it. But don’t fuck around with it unless you both agree or you pay.
Even if it is damaged or broken, you’d be able to return it for the full price, because you did not get what you were promised (at least in countries with legal warranty)
Depends on how the product is described and what the warranty covers.
Like, if these are sold as decorative art pieces, swinging them around probably voids the warranty.
If they are sold as “replica swords”, and the seller assumes this means “display piece” and the buyer assumes this means “larp-usable sword”, the sale is null as no meeting of minds has happened.
not what that was about. you missed the point.
Oh man this triggered some people in the comments didn’t it?
Yup. So far everything is ok. Lemmy is very international. And we are experiencing some culture clash – which is a good thing. And some of us are experiencing for the first time… “the odd-humor comic book store owner\guy”, and the Letter Kenny actors, and swordsmith\swordmaking. I love this weird and wonderful place.
If you break it, you bought it. If you hurt yourself, congratulations!
…they sell latex/foam swords and have never heard of LARPing? 🤦
The hell are you talking about “latex and foam?” It’s not date night with your mom.
Fuck you Shorsey!
Fuck you, odelik, your mum ugly cried ‘cause she left the lens cap on the camcorder last night. It’s fuckin’ amateur hour over there
It isn’t? Guess I better go get changed then.
Why are you making fun of people giving you money lol
I don’t think they are buying
Because the Chuds who sell this don’t actually give a shit. They aren’t nerds or fans, they largely are “entrepreneur” types who are grifting off fans with their borderline dropshipping bullshit.
Miss the days of genuine handcrafted pieces from people who care. Now it’s some fuckin maga head cryptobro trying to make a buck while telling me how trumps going to kick the Jews out of the Federal reserve when all I wanted was my god damn corrupted ashbringer.
Who knows maybe I will be swinging it around my house when I’m alone before the other half gets home. Thats the part where it needs to not have a weird weight distribution or the blade come loose from the hilt.
Sign is trash - owner wants to get rid of the “silly cartoon swords” but they make too much money.
Many of these swordlike objects aren’t made to be swung, and are liable to break if you try it.
Then separate them into “replica sword” and “basically just a painting to hang in your living room” sections and lock the part that’s useless in a display case.
The only problem is that the functional replica anime sword section is probably going to be entirely empty. They’re basically all decorative wall hangers.
They’ll differ in build quality, though. Some might break if you swing them hard, others might break if you hit something with them.