This was a Lenovo. Now I’m wondering if Windows or Linux has a better BIOS.
The BIOS is an operating system, albeit a super low level one. What is wrong here? It would only be software gore if it said that it was part of the windows operating system, since the BIOS is a system operating system.
Only thing that’s really off is that most people don’t need to update BIOS with any frequency, if at all, given the potential for ruining your PC. I certainly wouldn’t trust my parents with doing it on their own.
Unless a major bios vulnerability has been identified that bypasses TPM and secure boot on Windows machines…
Hopefully vendors like Lenovo have a bulletproof BIOS update pathway, and automatic fallback to the last bios of something goes wrong. Kind of like phone updates
Well my newish Lenovo work laptop is failing its BIOS update with the helpful error message that power is not plugged in (it is) or user cancelled (user did not) or another error (yay!)
Have you checked it’s actually plugged in though?
I feel like security issues should be adressed its just best practice and IME most modern mobos have backups to prevent catastrophic failure
It’s right there in the name:
Basic Input Output Operating System
It’s the first stage of whatever os you run.
If you don’t think the BIOS is part of your operating system, just remove it and see how far you get on the next boot.
Edit: I was always told the I in BIOS was “I/O”. WAS I DECEIVED FOR ALL THIS TIME!?
Chant it with me… BIOOOOOOS haha.
There should be a slash in there.
Basic Input/Output Operating System.
At least, that’s what I was taught it was many decades ago.
deleted by creator
So if you got a Linux/win dual boot setup, then Linux is part of Windows?
I don’t think so
Considering that when an uninstaller fails, and taking ownership of the broken files to remove them doesn’t seem to help, so you have to boot into Linux to forcibly remove them because Windows doesn’t let you do it, yes, it is part of Windows.
I mean it is part of the System running on that machine. So it is technically part of the OS?
I’m having a crisis here thinking about this lol. It’s a part of the system that is your machine if you consider the system to be the entire use of the computer. But it is not a part of the operating system on the drive. It’s a lower level operating system that identifies your hardware’s capabilities and functionality and has sets of instructions on how to boot from your storage. Computers are really just many many layers of abstraction. Separating the abstractions into layers gets pretty complex. But if you create a virtual OS inside of your storage device’s OS, it is its own OS. It has no knowledge that it’s a virtual machine.
Nah, the BIOS is what launches the operating system, therefor they are separate.
Technically the bootloader launches the OS.
The machine can’t operate without the bios. It’s part of the operating system.
That’s not what operating system means. In fact, you do not need one. You can run programs directly on the bare metal, it’s just really difficult too coordinate tasks that way.
One truth, one lie in the title. Guess which one’s which.
I feel like their goal was to dumb it down and that they could have done that without misinformation.
My man right here gets it :)