How do people even function? I certainly don’t, just too fn much godamnit
Can the earth stop spinning for just a minute please? I wanna get off this ride
Getting off would actually become more difficult if it stopped spinning.
I would think it’d be harder to stay on tbh
If it stopped abruptly it would probably be hard to stay on the surface (and alive). But eventually you’d come down again.
The more things get fucked up in your life, the more fucked up things happen. You gotta tackle your problems one at a time and find your balance again. If your life is holistically stable, one slip wont ruin you.
No way. Maybe if I keep pushing this big red button that says “Danger: do not push button” things will get better.
Just another day at the nuclear plant. If you do what you love you’ll never work a day!
Ive been giving too much lately and now I’m alone dealing with the consequences of treating everyone else too well. I dont think its ever gonna end, I’m so entrenched in this cycle of behavior. The last day I took care of what I need was February 1st, and it had me scared shitless. I had panic attacks over it.
Hahahaha I’m in my early 30’s and just found out my eyes have macular degeneration that will probably leave me blind by 40.
People will never stop. Look at the sunk cost fallacy. People do that when making a fucking grilled cheese and would burn their house down to prove they know what they are doing. Those with money can pay to have people agree that they are doing the best thing ever and interpret it to work enough… They will never acknowledge that things need to change.